教师信息 |
姓名 |
熊需海 |
性别 |
男 |

职称 |
教授 |
学历 |
博士研究生 |
电话 |
email |
地址 |
辽宁省沈阳市道义南大街37号 |
邮编 |
110136 |
熊需海,男,1982年生,工学博士,博士后,教授(材料科学与工程专业),正高级工程师(无人机科学与工程专业),硕士研究生导师,复合材料与工程系主任,辽宁省先进聚合物基复合材料重点实验室常务副主任;兼任《材料工程》《航空材料学报》青年编委会委员、沈阳/青岛/扬州等地多家新材料高科技公司特聘技术专家。针对国家重大/重点工程对新材料技术的迫切需求,长期专注于先进聚合物基复合材料设计制备、智能化及创新应用研究。先后主持/完成国家自然科学基金、国家重点基础研究项目(国防973)、国防基础科研、总装预研等20余项国家、省部级项目以及校企联合攻关课题。在polymer、composite part a、 composite part b、《高分子学报》等国内外专业学术期刊上发表学术论文90余篇,sci/ei 收录62篇;出版学术专著3部。申请国家/国防发明专利50余项,已授权23项;研究成果相继获得15项省部级及国家行业协会(学会)科技奖励,入选2020年“科创中国”先导技术50强榜单。多项成果在航空航天、国防军工、交通运输等领域获得应用,取得显著的经济社会效益。
➢ 教育经历
2006.09-2012.07 大连理工大学 高分子材料 硕-博研究生
2002.09-2006.07 吉林化工学院 高分子材料与工程 本科
➢ 工作经历
2012.05-至今 沈阳航空航天大学 教师
2015.04-2019.05 中国科学院金属研究所 博士后
➢ 研究方向
➢ 主要授课情况
➢ 主要荣誉称号
➢ 主要科研奖励
➢ 部分主持科研项目情况
[1] 基础加强计划重点基础研究项目,****,课题负责人,项目技术总负责人,2020.11-2025.10;
[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51873109):基于氢键自组装芳杂环螺旋结构形状记忆树脂的构筑及作用机制,2019.01-2022.12;
[4]辽宁省兴辽英才计划项目(xlyc1907198):大型航空复材构件焊接技术基础理论研究,2020.01 -2022.12;
[5] 辽宁省重大工业专项课题(2019jh1/10100028):大尺寸螺旋桨复合材料的微纳设计,2019.01 - 2021.12;
[6] 辽宁省人社厅百千万人才工程项目:可低温固化的超耐高温双马来酰亚胺树脂,2018.1-2020.12;
[10] 航空科学基金项目(2014zf54030):碳纳米管接枝碳纤维吸波隐身复合材料设计与制备技术研究,2014/10-2016/9。
➢ 部分代表性论著
[2] , 2020,,
[3], . preparation and shape memory behavior of novel heat-resistance epoxy networks containing phthalide cardo structure. polymer testing, 2019,
[4] , , , , , an effective friction spot joining method for plastic and aluminum alloy, advanced engineering material, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1002/adem.201900510
[5] xuhai xiong, pu zhao, rong ren, zhongbao zhang, xu cui and shude ji, enhanced hydrophobicity of stainless-steel mesh surface by carbon nanotube arrays from flame, ,2019, /ab32b5ti
[6] xuhai xiong, pu zhao, rong ren, zhongbao zhang, xu cui and shude ji. design of reinforced interfacial structure in hybrid resistance-welded joints of gf/pei composite and ti6al4v alloy by pre-etching surface treatment combined with in-situ growth of cnts, ,2019,http://iopscience.iop.org /10.1088 /2631-8695/ab38cft1
[7] , , , , , .effect of chemical etching of resistance wire surface on the strength and failure mechanism of the resistance‐welded joint of polyetherimide composites, journal of applied polymer science, 2019,
[8] xuhai xiong, pu zhao, rong ren, zhongbao zhang, xu cui and shude ji. resistance welded composite joints strengthened by carbon fiber felt: mechanical properties, failure modes and mechanism. , 2019.5.24.
[9] , , . a novel multifunctional glycidylamine epoxy resin containing phthalide cardo structure: synthesis, curing kinetics and dynamic mechanical analysis.polymer testing, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1016 /j.polymertesting .2019.105917
[10] pu zhao, xuhai xiong, rong ren, zhongbao zhang, xu cui and shu de ji. improvement of mechanical properties in epoxy adhesive joints of al alloy via carbon nanotubes from flame. , 2019.5.30,doi:10.1088/2053-1591/ab25c2
[11] pu zhao, xuhai xiong, siyang liu, rong ren, zhongbao zhang, xu cui, shude ji and weiwei qi. resistance welded thermoplastic composites joint strengthened via carbon nanotubes from flame: interface strength, mechanical properties and microstructure, ,2019,
[12] , . preparation of highly conductive graphene-coated glass fibers by sol-gel and dip-coating method. , 2019,
[13] rong ren, zhaopeng zhang, xuhai xiong, lu zhou, xichao guo and ping chen, , 2018, , http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/2053-1591/aadd86ti
[14] xuhai xiong, lu zhou, rong ren, xinghua ma, ping chen. thermal, mechanical properties and shape memory performance of a novel phthalide -containing epoxy resins. polymer, 2018, 140:326-333
[15] xuhai xiong, zhaopeng zhang, rong ren, xu cui, ping chen. alkynyl-functionalized benzoxazine containing phthalide side group:synthesis, characterization and curing mechanism. polymer testing, 2018, 72:232-237
[16] xuhai xiong, lu zhou, rong ren, siyang liu, ping chen. the thermal decomposition behavior and kinetics of epoxy resins cured with a novel phthalide-containing aromatic diamine. polymer testing, 2018, 68:46-52
[17] xuhai xiong, xinghua ma, ping chen, lu zhou, rong ren, siyang liu, new chain-extended bismaleimides with aryl-ether-imide and phthalide cardo skeleton (i): synthesis, characterization and properties, reactive and functional polymers, 2018, 129:29-37
[18] 熊需海,马兴华,陈平,任荣,刘思扬,李桂洋.含酞cardo 结构聚芳醚酰亚胺树脂及其复合材料的设计合成与性能. 固体火箭技术,2018,41(2):226-238
[19] 熊需海,张朝鹏,任荣,崔旭,李桂洋. 高温真空老化对x2101 双马树脂基复合材料结构及力学性能的影响.装备环境工程,2018,15(2):4-7
[20] xuhai xiong, you zeng, rong ren, siyang liu, shaowei lu, ping chen. preparation and thermal properties of soluble poly(phthalazinone ether sulfone ketone) composites reinforced with multi-walled carbon nanotube buckypaper. composites part a applied science & manufacturing, 2016, 89: 2-9.
[21] rong ren,xuhai xiong,xinghua ma,siyang liu,jing wang,ping chen,you zeng. the curing kinetics and thermal properties of epoxy resins cured by aromatic diamine with hetero-cyclic side chain structure, thermochimica acta, 2016,623: 15-21
[22] qiang zeng, xu-hai xiong, ping chen, qi yu, qi wang, rong-chao wang, hai-rong chu. air@rgo€fe3o4 microspheres with spongy shell: self-assembly and microwave absorption performance. j. mater. chem, 2016, 4, 10518--10528
[23] xuhai xiong, rong ren, siyang liu, shaowei lu, ping chen. the curing kinetics and thermal properties of epoxy resins cured by aromatic diamine with hetero-cyclic side chain structure, thermochimica acta, 2014, 595: 22-27
[24] 熊需海, 刘思扬, 陈平, 卢放, 任荣, 新型环氧树脂芳胺固化剂的合成及其固化性能, 材料研究学报, 2014, 28(9): 716-720.
[25] xuhai xiong, ping chen, rong ren, fang lu, qi yu, cure mechanism and thermal properties of the phthalide–containing bismaleimide/epoxy system, thermochimica acta, 2013, 559:52-58
[26] xuhai xiong, rong ren, pingchen, qi yu, jing wang, caixia jia, preparation and properties of modified bismaleimide resins based on phthalide- containing monomer, journal of applied polymer science, 2013, 130: 1084-1091.
[27] xuhai xiong, ping chen, jinxiang zhang, qi yu, baichen wang, cure kinetics and thermal properties of novel bismaleimide containing phthalide cardo structure, thermochimica acta, 2011, 514: 44 -50
[28] xuhai xiong, ping chen, jinxiang zhang, qi yu, baichen wang, preparation and properties of high performance phthalide-containing bismaleimide modified epoxy matrices, journal of applied polymer science, 2011, 121: 3122-3130
[29] xuhai xiong, ping chen, nengbo zhu, qi yu, jinxiang zhang, baichen wang, synthesis and properties of a novel bismaleimide resin containing 1,3,4-oxadiazole moiety and the blend systems thereof with epoxy resin, polymer engineering and science, 2011, 51:1599 - 1606.
[30] xuhai xiong, ping chen, qi yu, nengbo zhu, baichen wang, jinxiang zhang, jianfeng li, synthesis and properties of chain-extended bismaleimide resins containing phthalide cardo structure, polymer international, 2010, 59: 1665- 1672.
➢ 部分授权发明专利
[1] 中国发明专利:一种阻燃型宽温域高阻尼复合材料及其制备方法;批准年份:2020.12.01,专利申请号:zl;发明人:,姬书得。
[4]中国发明专利:一种乙炔封端的聚芳醚腈酰亚胺树脂及其制备方法;批准年份:2019.02.01;专利授权号: zl201610962259.3;发明人:熊需海, 任荣, 陈平, 王静,贾彩霞,卢少微。
[5]中国发明专利:可反应聚芳醚腈酰亚胺树脂及其制备方法;批准年份:2019.03.08;专利授权号:zl201610962260.6;发明人:熊需海, 任荣, 陈平, 马兴华,于祺,王琦。
[6] 中国发明专利:含cardo结构缩水甘油胺型环氧树脂及其制备方法;批准年份:2018.03.16;专利授权号: zl201610266115.4;发明人:熊需海, 任荣, 陈平, 卢少微, 王琦, 贾彩霞, 王静。
[7] 中国发明专利:一种含氰基和酞侧基双马来酰亚胺树脂及其制备方法;批准年份:2017.02.01;专利授权号: zl201510024065.4;发明人:熊需海,任荣,陈平,于祺,刘思扬。